Sunday, November 19, 2017

Creating RV-12 Checklists For The Dynon SkyView – Part 8 of 8

Part 8: Using Dynon’s Excel- based checklist creator tool. I have to say Dynon’s checklist creator tool works quite nicely … however, there is a BIG down side. Unfortunately, Dynon’s Excel-based checklist creator tool appears to have no options for editing an existing checklist file. This means all the various checklists and miscellaneous info you desire having access to needs to be entered in one very long typing session. You can’t save a partially completed checklist and finish it later. Of course, one can always use one of the simple text editors mentioned in Part 1 to add or change the checklist text once a checklist file has been created using Dynon’s creator tool. As a reminder, documentation and a sample checklist can be found along with the Excel-based Checklist Creator tool at this Dynon link:
Link to Dynon's SkyView checklists page

When Dynon’s creator tool is launched, the user will see an Excel spreadsheet pop up that is split into two frames. The frame on the left has a tab on the lower left called “List Titles”. The frame on the right is an instruction window that tells the user about how to use the creator tool and at the bottom of the instruction window is a “SAVE” changes button to click on after all the desired checklist entries have been made.

Moving back to the left frame… at the top of the “List Titles” frame is a heading of “Checklist Titles” and below that are “List” lines labeled 0-23 … this is where the title for each checklist list (the first line of all my text lists) is entered. To the right of each "List" line is an associated “Edit” link. Clicking on the associated “Edit” link will take the user to the appropriate spreadsheet cell that will contain the actual checklist text that will be displayed by the SkyView … this is where the text from  my checklist/info text lists beginning with the second line thru the last line will be stored. Note that clicking on the “Edit” link takes the user away from the “Checklist Titles” frame. To get back to the “Checklist Titles” frame so  the next checklist title can be entered, just click on the “List Titles” tab on the bottom left of the spreadsheet page.
Screenshot of the Dynon’s Excel-based checklist creator tool as one would see it when first launching the tool. Note the layout … the List Titles tab is active and is the location for your custom checklist titles to be placed into the List lines 0-23. As can be seen here the “Checklist Titles” lists have seen populated with checklist titles I typed into the spreadsheet creator. Note the first title in List 0 is the Before Start Checklist.

The next screenshot will show what happens after clicking the “Edit” tab to the right of the Before Start Checklist entry. It opens the appropriate cell in the spreadsheet where the checklist text is to be entered. This is where one would paste the desired text list (line 2 to the last line) into the top location in the cell which is denoted as Item 1 and has a green box. Pasting the list into the green box will populate the rest of the items below automatically … the result of which one can see in the screenshot below. To enter the next checklist title, click on the “List Titles” tab on the bottom left of the window and the” List Titles” frame will appear again.
As can be seen in this screenshot, after clicking on the “Edit” link to the right of the Before Engine Start title entered in list 0, the appropriate storage location or cell in the spreadsheet opens. Pasting the text list into the green box that appears at Item 1 will yield the results that can be seen in this photo.

To get around the limitations of the checklist creation tool requiring one massive typing session, I began working on creating and honing checklists for the DOG Aviation RV-12 using a text editor and saving each check list as a separate file … the contents of which have been posted in Parts 3-7. The thought being, I could take my time making the lists and adjusting them to my liking ... then when finished, all that would be necessary to do is copy and paste the contents of each file into the appropriate locations in Dynon’s checklist creator tool and click the save button. Piece of cake.

Before beginning the copy and paste process, I found it much less confusing to remove the text Dynon provides as samples for the checklist titles in the checklist creator tool. Also some cells have example checklists as well, so prior to pasting into those cells, one can delete the entries for each item by clicking on the item and pressing the delete key on the keyboard or right clicking the mouse and select “clear contents” from the pop up menu.  Note: When pasting text into the checklist creator tool, suggest using a right click of the mouse and selecting paste -match destination formatting. As mentioned earlier, my text lists were created as follows: The first line in each text list is the “Title” of the checklist or information list and needs to be copied and pasted into the “Checklist Titles” page beginning at list 0. Next, the second line and all remaining lines of my text lists need to be copied and pasted into the associated spread sheet location … (done by clicking on the “Edit” link adjacent to the current Checklist Title being entered). As an example, my first two check lists are titled “Before Start Checklist” and “Engine Start Checklist”. The way the process works with my text lists is: Copy the first line of “Before Start Checklist” (which is the title line) and paste it into “Checklist Titles” - List 0 cell in the Dynon checklist creator.  Next click on the “Edit” link to the right … this will open the associated cell where the actual checklist text will be stored. Now copy the REMAINING lines of the “Before Start Checklist” (second line thru to the end of the text list) and paste the text into the open spreadsheet cell where the green box is on Item 1 … the list should populate the cell.

To enter the next checklist, click on the List Titles tab at the bottom left of the spreadsheet to get back to “Checklist Titles” so the next checklist title can be entered.  Now copy and paste the first line of the “Engine Start Checklist” into Checklist Titles - List 1 location and click on the “Edit” link to the right to open the associated spreadsheet cell for the actual checklist. Copy the REMAINING lines of the “Engine Start Checklist” (second line to the end of the text) and paste it into the open spreadsheet cell where the green box is on Item 1 … the list should populate the cell. Repeat the process until all the desired lists of text have been entered into the checklist creator tool.

When done entering all the text for the checklists and desired informational lists, click on the “Save changes Click Here”  button and name the file with a .txt extension with no spaces in the file name … something like RV-12checklist.txt will work nicely. To install the newly created checklist file in the Skyview, follow the file loading procedure discussed near the end of the Part 1 post.

Oh, for what it is worth, after posting the checklist text on the DOG Aviation Blog the posted checklist text was  extracted from Posts 3-7 on the the Blog and used to create my checklist file after copy/pasting all the text into the Dynon checklist creator tool. Took a little less than 30 minutes of repetitive copy & pasting and I had a working checklist file that I took to the airport earlier this evening and loaded into the SkyView. All went well and below are a couple of screenshots taken after installing the newly created checklist file in the Dynon SkyView. 
Screenshot of the main checklist menu ... this is what appears after pressing the Checklist button in the Tools menu.
This is an example of what the 31 character max Run-Up checklist looks like displayed at 40% on the Skyview.

As one can see in the above two screen shots ... I’ve verified the transfer process described above truly works as typed and the text lists posted in Parts 3-7 really will create usable checklists without any bumps in the road when pasted into Dynon's checklist creator tool .

Admittedly, this project took a lot of typing, but the results were worth the effort. Of course, using the posted text lists in Parts 3-7 will save a ton of time for those inclined to enter  checklists in their SkyView but did not want to take the time to do all the configuring from scratch.

Creating RV-12 Checklists For The Dynon SkyView – Part 7 of 8

Part 7: This post contains the text to create the following checklists:

RV-12 Rotax 912ULS Limitations, Misc: Light Signals, Misc: Phonetic Alphabet, Misc: SkyView Buttons,  Misc: Transponder codes, and Misc: Checklist Info.

As mentioned in Part 2, the beginning and end of each text list will be delineated by dashed lines as an aid for the reader interested in copying the lists. The first line in each list is the Title for the list and is to be copied/pasted into the appropriate line in “Checklist Titles” of the checklist creation tool … the remaining lines of text are the actual list and they need to be copied/pasted into either a simple text editor if making the checklist file manually or directly into the checklist creator tool in the cell associated with the title.

Return from the future 11/21/2017: There were a couple of spelling errors and redundant second lines in the lists first posted  two days ago. The spelling has been corrected. The redundant second lines have been removed where needed ... this was done because at the time the checklists were being made, I did not realize the SkyView displays the current checklist title being viewed at the top of the checklist screen. Those who have downloaded the text files prior to today may want to use these updated checklists.


Caution Range:
 (yellow arc) 1400 to 1800 RPM
Normal Range:
 (green arc)  1800 to 5500 RPM
Caution Range:
 (yellow arc) 5500 to 5800 RPM
Maximum (red line)
  Duration 5 min      5800 RPM

Fuel Pressure
Normal Range:   2.2 to 7.2 psi
Maximum (red line)     7.2 psi
Minimum (red line)     2.2 psi

Approved Fuel Types:
Premium 91 (AKI) Unleaded Auto
       or 100 LL Aviation Fuel

Oil Temperature
Minimum                 120° F
Normal   Cruise 190° to 230° F
Caution Range:
 (yellow arc) 230° F to 248° F
Maximum (red line)      248° F

Oil Pressure
Minimum at Cruise       29 psi
Maximum at Cruise       73 psi
Max –  Cold (red line) 100 psi
Min at Idle (red line)  12 psi

Exhaust Gas Temperature
        Maximum Cruise 1560° F
        Max Take-Off   1616° F

* Coolant/Cylinder Head Temp
Normal in Cruise
 (green arc)    150° to 230° F
Caution Range
 (yellow arc)   230° to 248° F
Maximum (red line)      248° F

* EMS label for new cylinders
will continue to be “CHT” even
though indications marked CHT
measure Coolant Temperature.

Steady Green   – CLEAR TO LAND
Flashing Green – RETURN FOR
Steady Red     – GIVE WAY TO
                OTHER AIRCRAFT
Flashing Red  – AIRPORT UNSAFE
                   DO NOT LAND
              EXERCISE EXTREME

Steady Green     – CLEARED FOR
Flashing Green   – CLEARED FOR
Steady Red       – STOP
Flashing Red     – TAXI CLEAR
                   OF LANDING
                   IN USE
Flashing White   – RETURN TO
                   POINT ON
              EXERCISE EXTREME

 A - Alpha
 B - Bravo
 C - Charlie
 D - Delta
 E - Echo
 F - Foxtrot
 G - Golf
 H - Hotel
 I - India
 J - Juliet
 K - Kilo
 L - Lima
 M - Mike
 N - November
 O - Oscar
 P - Papa
 Q - Quebec
 R - Romeo
 S - Sierra
 T - Tango
 U - Uniform
 V - Victor
 W - Whisky
 X - X-Ray
 Y - Yankee
 Z - Zulu

Setup Menu   – Simultaneously
      press and hold buttons
      7 & 8 (airspeed >0 will
        enter In Flight Menu)

In Flight     – Simultaneously
Setup Menu      press and hold
               button 7 & 8 if
               ground speed is
               above 15 knots

Turn Display – Toggle display
On or Off      power press and
               hold button 1

Reboot Display– Simultaneously
                press and hold
               buttons 1,2 & 5

Screenshot –   Simultaneously
               press buttons
               2 & 7 saves to
               USB flash drive

VFR        – 1200 (USA)
Hijack     – 7500
Radio Fail – 7600
Emergency  – 7700

Only copy and paste the above
title into last location in the
"Checklist Titles" list 23.  Don't
copy this text into the associated
cell. The creator tool automatically
fills the associated cell with
a checklist creation date.


Creating RV-12 Checklists For The Dynon SkyView – Part 6 of 8

Part 6: This post contains the text to create the following checklists:

Emergency Electrical Fire, Emergency Forced Landing, RV-12 Performance & Specifications, RV-12 POH V-Speeds.

As mentioned in Part 2, the beginning and end of each text list will be delineated by dashed lines as an aid for the reader interested in copying the lists. The first line in each list is the Title for the list and is to be copied/pasted into the appropriate line in “Checklist Titles” of the checklist creation tool … the remaining lines of text are the actual list and they need to be copied/pasted into either a simple text editor if making the checklist file manually or directly into the checklist creator tool in the cell associated with the title.

Return from the future 11/21/2017: There were a couple of spelling errors and redundant second lines in the lists first posted  two days ago. The spelling has been corrected. The redundant second lines have been removed where needed ... this was done because at the time the checklists were being made, I did not realize the SkyView displays the current checklist title being viewed at the top of the checklist screen. Those who have downloaded the text files prior to today may want to use these updated checklists.

An electrical fire is usually
indicated by an odor of hot or
burning insulation.

Electrical Switches – ALL OFF
Ignition Switches   – LEAVE ON
Air Vents           – OPEN for
   smoke removal & ventilation

Use hand fire extinguisher if

Land immediately or as soon as
practical if location for safe
landing is not available.

Maintain a higher and closer
pattern than normal attempt to
remain in gliding distance of
the intended touchdown point.
Use normal landing procedures
in addition:
Airspeed – 60 KIAS recommended
           55 KIAS minimum
Throttle – CLOSED when in
           gliding distance of
Flaps    – LOWER AS NEEDED to
           increase approach
           descent angle.
Slipping the aircraft by cross
controlling rudder & aileron
will increase descent both
with and without flaps. If a
crosswind exists, place the
lower wing into the wind.

If engine cannot be restarted
in flight trim the aircraft to
the recommended glide speed.
Airspeed – 63 KIAS(best glide)
         – 59 KIAS min rate
           of descent airspeed
Fuel Valve – SHUT/PULL UP
Flaps      – UP to maximize
             glide range
Radio      – MAYDAY 121.5 MHz
             or freq in use
Xponder    – 7700
Position aircraft approx. 1000
feet above ground (AGL) when
downwind and abeam intended
point of landing.
Ignition A     – SWITCH OFF
Ignition B     – SWITCH OFF
Final Approach – 55-60 KIAS
Flaps          – DOWN after
         landing point assured
Master Switch – OFF Just prior
                 to touchdown
Touchdown at minimum airspeed
particularly if rough terrain.

Span           –  26 ft 9 in
Length         –  20 ft 7 in
Height         –  8 ft 4 in
Wing Area      –  127 sq ft
Empty Weight   –  746 lb
Gross Weight   –  1320 lb
Wing Loading   –  10.4lb/sq ft
Power Loading  –  13.2 lb/hp
G Loading      –  +4.0g/-2.0g
Fuel Capacity  –  19.8 Gal
Unusable Fuel: Shallow Climbs,
Level, Descending Flight 0 Gal
Vx Climb:   3 Gallons Unusable
Climb       4 Gallons Unusable

Engine           Rotax 912 ULS
Displacement           1352 cc
Ignition     Ducati Double CDI
Carbs    Bing alt compensating
100 Hp @ 5800 RPM  (5 min max)
95 Hp @ 5500 RPM  (continuous)
Propeller Make – Sensenich 70"
Propeller Model– 2AOR5R70E

Top Speed             119 KIAS
Cruise 5500rpm 7500ft 117 KIAS
Cruise 5000rpm 7500ft 105 KIAS
Stall (flaps up)       41 KIAS
Take-off Distance       600 ft
Landing Distance        475 ft
Rate of Climb      1135 ft/min
Ceiling (estimated)  15,000 ft

PERFORMANCE @ Gross wt(1320lb)
Top Speed             117 KIAS
Cruise 5500rpm 7500ft 114 KIAS
Cruise 5000rpm 7500ft 101 KIAS
Stall (flaps up) Vs    45 KIAS
Stall (full flaps) Vso 41 KIAS
Take-off Distance       700 ft
Landing Distance        525 ft
Rate of Climb Vy    900 ft/min
Ceiling (estimated)  13,800 ft
*Range 5500rpm 7500ft   482 nm
*Range 5000rpm 7500ft   534 nm
*Range 5500rpm 7500ft   425 nm
        *(with 30 min reserve)

Stall @ gross weight –1320 lbs
   No Flaps    (Vs)  – 45 KIAS
   Flaps Down  (Vso) – 41 KIAS

Operating Maneuvering Speeds
 Weight 1320 lb (Va) – 90 KIAS
 Weight 850 lb  (Va) – 72 KIAS

Max Structural Cruise
              (Vno) – 108 KIAS

Flap Operating Range
 Flap Extend   (Vfe) – 82 KIAS
               (Vso) – 41 KIAS

Norm Operating Range
 Green Arc         45-108 KIAS

Caution Range
 Yellow Arc       108-136 KIAS

Never Exceed below 16,000 feet
 Red Line (Vne)     – 136 KIAS
                    – 136 KTAS

Max Direct Crosswind – 11 KIAS

Max Wind Limitation  – 30 KIAS

Cruse Climb          – 85 KIAS
Best Rate Climb (Vy) – 75 KIAS
Best Climb Angle (Vx)– 60 KIAS
Best Glide Dist.(Vbg)– 63 KIAS
Best Min. Sink (Vms) – 59 KIAS


Creating RV-12 Checklists For The Dynon SkyView – Part 5 of 8

Part 5: This post contains the text to create the following checklists:

Emergency Engine Fail Takeoff, Emergency In Air Restart, Emergency Engine Fire On Ground, Emergency Engine Fire In Air.

As mentioned in post 2, the beginning and end of each text list will be delineated by dashed lines as an aid for the reader interested in copying the lists. The first line in each list is the Title for the list and is to be copied/pasted into the appropriate line in “Checklist Titles” if using the creation tool …. the remaining lines of text are the actual list and they need to be copied/pasted into either a simple text editor if making the checklist file manually or directly into the checklist creator tool in the cell associated with the title.

Return from the future 11/21/2017: There were a couple of spelling errors and redundant second lines in the lists first posted  two days ago. The spelling has been corrected. The redundant second lines have been removed where needed ... this was done because at the time the checklists were being made, I did not realize the SkyView displays the current checklist title being viewed at the top of the checklist screen. Those who have downloaded the text files prior to today may want to use these updated checklists.

In the event of engine failure
after airborne, control stick
must be IMMEDIATELY moved
forward to prevent loss of

Airspeed     – 60 KIAS
               (55 KIAS min)
Throttle     – CLOSED
Land using maximum braking
after touchdown.

Airspeed    – 60 KIAS
              (55 KIAS min)
         (if altitude permits)
Fuel Valve  – OPEN/PUSH DOWN
Choke       – CHECK OPEN/PUSH
              CHECK PUMP FUSE
        (illuminated if blown)

Select most favorable landing
area ahead.
Airspeed      – 60 KIAS
                (55 KIAS min)
Flaps         – FULL DOWN
Fuel Valve    – SHUT/PULL UP
Ignition A    – SWITCH OFF
Ignition B    – SWITCH OFF
Master Switch – OFF Just prior
                  to touchdown

Hold airspeed at all times and
do not attempt to turn back
toward the runway unless
sufficient altitude has been
achieved. Touchdown at minimum
airspeed particularly if
landing on rough terrain.

Maintain Airspeed– 60 KIAS
                   55 KIAS min
Fuel Pump   – VERIFY FUSE OK
                 if blown)
Fuel Valve   – OPEN/PUSH DOWN
Choke        – CHECK OPEN/PUSH
If restart not possible change
throttle and/or choke settings
in attempt to restart.

If unable to restart, use the
checklist and follow "Forced
Landing (No Power)" checklist.

Engine starter may be engaged
in flight should the propeller
stop wind milling. Prop will
not windmill below 80 KIAS.

Follow above engine restart
procedures. Land as soon as
possible using the "EMERGENCY
FORCED LANDING" checklist.
Follow “Precautionary Landing
Approach” procedures in

If the fire is believed to be
confined to intake or exhaust
system (result of flooding
Crank engine with starter
Choke         – PUSH OFF
Throttle      – FULL OPEN
Fuel Valve    – SHUT/PULL UP
Inspect aircraft thoroughly
for damage and cause prior
to restart.

If fire persists or is not
limited to intake or exhaust
Fuel Valve    – SHUT/PULL UP
Ignition A    – SWITCH OFF
Ignition B    – SWITCH OFF
Electrical    – ALL SWITCHES
Evacuate Aircraft immediately
If available, direct fire
extinguisher through the air
outlet tunnel at the bottom of
the cowl.

Fuel Valve  – SHUT PULL UP/OFF
Ignition A  – SWITCH OFF
Ignition B  – SWITCH OFF
Air Vents   – CLOSED
Cabin Heat  – CLOSED
Airspeed    – INCREASE glide
speed to find airspeed which
provides incombustible mixture
mixture without exceeding Vne.
    (Vno if turbulence exists)
Consider side slip to divert
       smoke from pilot side.

Radio       – MAYDAY 121.5 MHz
         (or frequency in use)
Use Forced Landing Procedure

Do not attempt  engine restart

Before Touchdown:
Airspeed        – 60 KIAS
                  55 KIAS Min
Flaps           – DOWN after
intended landing point assured
Touchdown at minimum airspeed
particularly if landing on
rough terrain.
Master Switch   – OFF prior to


Creating RV-12 Checklists For The Dynon SkyView – Part 4 of 8

Part 4: This post contains the text to create the following checklists:

Climb & Cruise, Decent & Approach, Landing, and Shutdown.

As mentioned in Part 2, the beginning and end of each text list will be delineated by dashed lines as an aid for the reader interested in copying the lists. The first line in each list is the Title for the list and is to be copied/pasted into the appropriate line in “Checklist Titles” of the checklist creation tool …. the remaining lines of text are the actual list and they need to be copied/pasted into either a simple text editor if making the checklist file manually or directly into the checklist creator tool in the cell associated with the title.

Return from the future 12/14/2017: The shutdown checklist was modified to reflect turning off the master switch as the last checklist action ... as such, securing the aircraft was omitted from the checklist (hard to keep reading the SkyView if the master switch is off).
Return from the future 11/21/2017: There were a couple of spelling errors and redundant second lines in the lists first posted  two days ago. The spelling has been corrected. The redundant second lines have been removed where needed ... this was done because at the time the checklists were being made, I did not realize the SkyView displays the current checklist title being viewed at the top of the checklist screen. Those who have downloaded the text files prior to today may want to use these updated checklists.

Throttle  – FULL
5800 RPM Max 5 minutes
5500 RPM Max Continuous

Best Climb Rate (Vy)
Airspeed  – 75 KIAS
Flaps     – UP

Best Climb Angle (Vx)
Airspeed  – 60 KIAS
Flaps     – 1st DETENT

Airspeed  – 85 KIAS
Flaps     – UP

Flaps     – CHECK UP
        POWER BETWEEN 5000 RPM
        TO 5500 RPM MAXIMUM
Trim      – AS REQUIRED


PFD Altitude Alert–SET ALT BUG
Throttle   – REDUCE POWER
Airspeed   – AS DESIRED
Flaps      – UP ABOVE 82 KIAS
             AS DESIRED BELOW
             82 KIAS
Altimeter  – SET
Transponder– CODE or 1200

Nav Heading   – SET HDG BUG TO
                RUNWAY HEADING
Seat Belts    – FASTENED/SNUG
Parking Brake – OFF/PUSH IN
Toe Brakes    – CHECK FIRM

Fuel Pump  Sw – VERIFY ON
Ignition A Sw – VERIFY ON
Ignition B Sw – VERIFY ON
Flaps         – UP >82 KIAS
                AS DESIRED
                BELOW 82 KIAS

* Descend with enough power
to maintain cylinder head and
oil temperatures in green arc.
If possible avoid wind milling
the engine with the propeller
by reducing airspeed or
increasing power. To plan a
descent from cruise altitude
to the airport traffic pattern
use time to destination to
calculate a realistic and
comfortable rate (500ft/min).
When available, use the EFIS
vertical navigation (VNAV)
function to perform a stable
descent if terrain, airspace
and/or weather permit.

Flaps         – AS DESIRED
                BELOW 82 KIAS
Trim          – AS REQUIRED
Airspeed      – 55-60 KIAS
Throttle      – AS DESIRED
                TO CONTROL
                RATE OF DECENT
Touchdown     – ON MAIN WHEELS

Stick         – FULL AFT
Brake         – AS REQUIRED
Flaps         – RETRACT
Engine RPM    – ABOVE 1800

Soft or rough fields fly
approach at 55 KIAS carrying
power into flare & use extreme
nose high landing attitude to
touch down at minimum airspeed

LANDING (Obstacle)
Use normal landing procedures
in addition:
Flaps         – FULL DOWN
Airspeed      – 55 KIAS
Throttle      – AS REQUIRED to
          control descent rate
Slip aircraft as necessary to
increase rate of descent.

High decent rates possible in
this configuration at gross
weight and throttle closed. If
airspeed gets below 55 KIAS,
level off can only be assured
with an application of power.

LANDING (Balked)
Throttle    – FULL OPEN
Flaps       – 1st DETENT
Airspeed:   – 60 KIAS
Flaps       – 1st DETENT until
       clear of obstacle then:
Best Rate   – 75 KIAS
Flaps       – UP

* ELT Panel   – LIGHT OFF
    Monitor radio 121.5 MHz
        check no ELT signal
Throttle      – IDLE STOP
Ignition A    – SWITCH OFF
Ignition B    – SWITCH OFF
Avionics      – SWITCH OFF
Nav/Strobe    – SWITCH OFF
Landing Light – SWITCH OFF
Autopilot     – SWITCH OFF
Hobbs Meter   – RECORD READING
Parking Brake – PULL ON
                (if desired)
Fuel Valve    – SHUT/PULL UP

Master Switch – SWITCH OFF
* If ELT light ON, press reset
button on indicator panel.
If installed ELT is ACK E-04
immediately call USAF Rescue
Coordination Center at
800-851-3051 to report false

To prevent vapor building in
the carburetor after shutdown
in hot days, oil door should
be left open to let heat out
of the cowl. Leaving canopy in
the open position latched with
the F-1231G Canopy Catch, will
reduce the risk of vapor-lock.

If high winds are anticipated,
aircraft should be hangered If
aircraft must be left out park
into wind and use additional
tie-down ropes for security.
Place the flaps in the full up
position - secure the control
stick full aft with  lap belt.
