Today work continued on the RV-12’s rear spars after
taking a three day hiatus to fully recuperate from the marathon work sessions
of last week along with preparing for possible storm related power outages.
Fortunately, the worst of storm Sandy’s havoc in our area passed to the north of
us, so there were no power interruptions or damage here at DOG Aviation ... just a few days of seemingly
endless rain and cold stiff winds thus far, with a couple of more days of rain in the forecast.
There are a few components that need to be
attached to the left and right W-1207A rear spars before the spars are ready to
become part of the wing skeleton. Work began with riveting the previously assembled left & right
W-1212 hinge assemblies onto the W-1207B doubler plates. There are two rows of
holes on the hinge assemblies and only the inboard row of holes are riveted at
this time … the outboard row of holes will be riveted later when a rib is
attached onto the rear spar assembly. There are also two other rows of holes on
the spar/doubler assembly which need to be left open as well for ribs which will be attached later
during assembly of the wing 's skeleton.
Attaching blue tape to identify the three rows
of holes on each W-1207A rear spar assembly that will be riveted later.
W-1212 hinge assemblies and W-1207B doubler
plates clecoed
onto the left & right W-1207A rear spars and ready for
The plans call for riveting the inboard row of rivets
on the hinge bracket using AN470AD4-6 solid rivets but call for using LP4-3 pop
rivets for all the doubler to rear spar rivets. All those rivets were easy to
assess with the pneumatic squeezer so I elected to use AN470AD4-6 rivets on the
entire assembly … stronger, lighter.
Using a pneumatic squeezer to set the last rivet
attaching the doubler/hinge assembly onto the right W-1207A rear spar.
Front and back views of the RV-12’s W-1207A rear
wing spars with the hinge
assemblies and doubler plates riveted in place with
AN470AD4-6 rivets.
The finishing touches to both rear wing spars
come in the form of riveting the W-1207C tip attach angles onto the outboard
end of both spars. Once again the plans called for using LP4-3 pop rivets to rivet
the W-1207C tip attach angles onto the rear spars … but there was good access
for a pneumatic squeezer, so AN470AD4-4 solid rivets were used in place of the LP4-3
pop rivets.
The W-1207C left tip attach angle clecoed onto
the left rear spar and ready for riveting.
Riveting the left W-1207C tip attach angle onto
the left W-1207A rear spar.
Front and back views of the outboard end of both
completed W-1207A rear spar assemblies.
The W-1207A spar assemblies are now both
completed and ready to become part of the RV-12’s wing skeleton when the wing
assembly begins in the near future.