Unfortunately, I moved away from California just shy of the final completion of the RV-9A … so after spending years helping Pete pound rivets and assembling components, it was wonderful to finally have an opportunity to go flying in our handiwork. Pete was just in the process of finishing up his annual inspection on the RV-9A and all that was left to do was perform an engine compression check and put the cowlings back on the airplane and go flying.
Pete’s freshly vinyl covered RV-9A with the
cowlings off waiting for the engine compression check.
It was quite a shock to see Pete’s plane painted yellow with white wings …. No not painted, it is vinyl wrapped!!! While Pete had the airplane out of service for the annual inspection, Pete had the RV-9A wrapped in vinyl as opposed to having the airplane painted. Pete had been keeping this under wraps, so to speak, until after the annual was completed so he could fly the RV-9A up to Big Bear to take official completion photos for his Blog using the mountains as a scenic backdrop.
Pete and his marvelous RV-9A.
After the compression check was completed, we buttoned up the cowlings and while the sun was still high enough over the horizon to be legal we took the RV-9A up for a few laps around the airport.
Pete towing the RV-9A out of the hangar for our sunset
flight around the airport.
The RV-9A ready for our short flight of making a
few laps around Chino’s traffic pattern.
In the pattern at Chino turning down wind.
The RV-9’s instrument panel in flight.
Pete’s “RV grin”.
Turning for a short final on Chino’s 26L runway.
After flying the RV-9A, Pete (and I) had an even bigger “RV
WOW!!! Pete’s RV-9A truly flies great!!! It is so smooth, it is just amazing. Just an awesome flying airplane!!!