About that the replacement micro-switch for the stall warning assembly ... behind the scenes, DOG Aviation’s research department is constantly looking into modifications that improve on the already excellent RV-12 design. One such modification pioneered by Joe (the RV-12 builder in
Is this modification really necessary? Truthfully, … nope. That said, to me it makes good sense because once the wing is assembled, adjustment access through the small inspection port is well, at best, challenging so at $4 and change for a micro-switch, why not go for it if it makes fine tuning the stall warning easier?
I ran two mounting screws through the two micro-switches in the photo bellow to keep the switches in alignment so it is easier to see the subtle difference between the original Cherry switch shipped in the parts from Van’s and the replacement Cherry switch purchased from Mouser.
The original micro-switch from Van’s is on the bottom and the replacement micro-switch purchased from
Mouser is on the top. One can easily see the slightly longer arm on the replacement micro-switch.