The anti-servo tabs are on hold waiting for
rivets. As mentioned in an earlier post, my plan is to use a solid rivet
wherever possible because solid rivets are stronger and lighter. Took a close look
at the anti-servo tabs and decided I could squeeze rivets where the hinges attach
to the anti-servo tab’s spar as long as I hold off on riveting the bottom skin
to the ribs.
Using a rivet gauge, determined a 470AD4-4 rivet
was just a little short and a 470AD4-5 is just a little to long. Checked the
Aircraft Spruce’s WEB site and they stock some half sizes … fortunately they
carry 470AD4-4.5 rivets. The anti-servo tabs will be put on hold for a few days
until the 4.5 rivets arrive.
Mean while I decided to move on and get better acquainted with the stabilator's parts. Because I’m dimpling the stabilator skins for flush rivets and also
trying to use solid rivets to attach ribs wherever possible, I had some home
work to do. I put the spar box loosely together to get a better picture of what
is going on plus reading and rereading the instructions then reading again
before dimpling any parts.
After getting a better picture of the spar box
assembly, I realized I would need to put dimples in four layers of material at
a couple of locations so I brought out the 120 degree dimple dies and dimpled
away. Because the ribs used in the spar box do not have a flat web where the lightning hole is, I
discovered I could not use the pneumatic squeezer to make the dimples…the small taper near the
hole prevented the squeezer from sitting square on the hole to be dimpled. Fortunately, I had the dimple die set that
can be used with a hand rivet squeezer to dimple the two outer ribs of the spar
Setup for dimpling the two outer spar box ribs
using the hand riveter to make the necessary dimples. If you look at the photo
closely one can see the taper on the lightening hole that prevented the
pneumatic squeezer from getting a square fit.
The finished dimple with a countersunk rivet
sitting nice and flush. Amazingly,
the dimple dies designed for use with a hand
squeezer make nice dimples.