The plans call for filing a radius on all the HS-1204
and HS-1205 ribs. Unfortunately, the drawing the plans refer to is a side view …
so there is lots of room for interpretation. It would truly be much more
helpful if the amount of material required to be removed were shown as a top
view so a builder can see the suggested radius.
Based on the amount of material removed from the
ribs in the vertical stabilator that required trimming and a quick look at a couple
of other builder sites I chose to use a water bottle cap to mark the radius of
the cut. Instead of filing, I just used the left & right hand metal snips I
have and then smoothed the cut with a Scotch-brite wheel. It looks to be about
the right amount to cut off based on the builder sites I visited, but won’t
really know until after a trial fit. If more needs to be trimmed … I’ll
make note of it here.
Trimming the HS-1204 and HS-1205 ribs with metal
Left to right - Cut and uncut HS-1205 and uncut and
cut HS-1204 ribs. A water bottle cap was
used to draw the radius and left and right hand
metal snips were used to cut the material.
Using the Scotch-brite wheel to smooth the cuts.
Finished ribs after using a small diamond file
to smooth the inside edges.