Riveting plate nuts onto a F-1267A crotch strap
bracket with the pneumatic squeezer.
Finished F-1267 A&B crotch strap brackets …
one can see the tight angle on the F-1267B crotch strap bracket and the thin
nosed no-hole yoke that was used to set the AN426AD3-3.5 solid rivets in the
nutplates.After the nutplates were installed onto the F-1267A&B crotch strap brackets, an A and B bracket was riveted onto both the pulley bracket assembly and the flaperon mixer arm assembly. That was followed by sandwiching the F-1267A&B crotch strap brackets between another F-1215 seat rib. Out of twelve rivets used to attach the crotch strap brackets to each of the F-1215 ribs, only two pop rivets were necessary.
Riveting an F-1267A crotch strap bracket onto the pulley bracket assembly using AN470AD4-4 rivets in place of LP4-3 pop rivets where possible.
Sandwiching the crotch strap brackets with an F-1215 seat rib … two LP4-3 pop rivets were used where the squeezer could not reach, the remaining ten rivets were squeezed.
Riveting the F-1267A&B crotch strap brackets onto the flaperon mixer arm assembly using the pneumatic squeezer and AN470AD4-4 solid rivets where possible.
Making progress … the makings of a place to sit
in the RV-12.
Completed pulley and flaperon mixer arm
assemblies that will soon become the bases for the RV-12’s left and right seats.