Riveting the F-1203A bulkhead assembly onto the
forward flanges of the F-1215 seat ribs.
The newly riveted F-1203A bulkhead assembly is now
a permanent component of the RV-12’s growing fuselage.
The instillation of the F1226-L&R seat ramp floors onto the F-1215 seat ribs was also done rather quickly. A few rows of rivets later and the seat ramp floors were riveted in place onto the seat ribs. The instillation of nutplates onto the edges of the F-1226-L&R seat ramp floors turned out to be a somewhat time consuming process. Some of the nutplates were hard to get to and others were just awkward to get at with the pneumatic squeezer … but got the job done without scratching any paint.
About to Cleco the F-1224L seat ramp floor onto
the F-1215 seat ribs.
Using the pneumatic rivet puller to rivet the
F-1224L seat ramp floor onto the F-1215 seat ribs.
The control column is installed at this point after removing the powder coating which tends to get into the numerous holes during the powder coating process. I did not bolt the control column in place yet because while removing the powder coating from inside the bolt holes on the tabs, discovered that two mounting holes on a couple of tabs are not aligned. They align at an angle as can be seen below.
Holes on the WD-1210-PC control column tabs do
not align correctly … don’t like the looks of this.
Sent a photo of the miss alignment to Van’s and see what they say about it. Considering the quantity of parts and the great fit of components thus far, something like this is bound to happen. Not sure what connects onto the tabs … assuming it will be a control cable which will be a part of the finishing kit that will likely arrive next week. Unfortunately, I have no drawings at this time to refer to and won’t until the finishing kit is delivered.
Setting the WD-1210-PC control column in place for
attachment onto the control mounting assembly.
Completed riveting of the RV-12’s seat ramp
floors and nutplates onto the F-1215 seat ribs with the control column in
position to be bolted.Moving on, the F-1212 step ribs were located and attached onto the F-1203A bulkhead assembly with Clecos and are now ready for riveting in the morning.
Securing F-1212 step ribs onto the F-1203A
bulkhead assembly with Clecos.
All six F-1212 step ribs in place and ready for riveting.