The game plan for riveting the F-1276 fuselage bottom skin is to start at the midway point of the center channel forward and aft bulkheads and begin riveting the F-1276 skin onto the fuselage skeleton. Riveting alternated between the center channel’s forward and aft bulkheads … while also alternately working towards the outer edges of the F-1276 fuselage bottom skin. All of the rivets that will be set into the bottom skin will be the flush pop rivets being used on the RV-12 project as opposed to LP4-3 dome head rivets.
Using the pneumatic rivet puller to set the first flush rivet into the F-1276 bottom skin. Riveting began at the center section bulkheads starting at a midway point on the center channel.
Setting the last rivet of the work session into
the F-1268D doubler using the pneumatic rivet puller.
Suspect the remaining riveting of the bottom skin will go much quicker because the rivets are spaced out much more than they are in the center section area. During the next riveting session plan on continuing the same approach … riveting from the center towards the outer edges.