In spite of the cold temperatures, with the help
of Mike K. the remaining T-1204A-1 top tank skin was riveted onto the RV-12’s
fuel tank. Because of the desire to coat every rivet on the inside of the fuel
tank with sealant, a deviation from the plans was made and the mechanical fuel gauge was
not installed at this time to allow for easier access to the inside rivets.
After mixing the tank sealant, a small dollop of
tank sealant was placed on the threads of the fuel return line being careful
not to place any sealant on the tapered portion of the fitting. The fuel return line was placed in position
and the fitting was made finger tight. The top tank skin was temporarily placed in position with a few Clecos to hold it ... then the two T-1216 clips were placed over the fuel return
line and secured with Clecos. This was done so the fuel return line fitting could be
tightened without moving the aluminum fuel return line out of position ... this was accomplished by reaching through the hole for the sender
plate and using a crows foot wrench to tighten the fuel return fitting . After the fitting was tightened, the clips were removed and the top skin
removed. Tank sealant was applied to the T-1204A-1 top skin and the associated mating
surfaces ... then the parts were Clecoed together for riveting. Once the tank's top was
riveted in place, the area around the rivet holes for the T-1216 clips was slathered with fuel tank sealant and the clips were placed over the fuel return line and riveted onto the inside of the tank. Next the tank was placed upside down on blocks of wood and by reaching in through the sender plate hole, a syringe filled with tank sealant was used to coat the shop heads of all of the 82
newly installed rivets with tank sealant ... along with filling the corners and
Completed fuel tank assembly (minus mechanical fuel gauge, sender plate
and sender) placed in the warm light box so the tank sealant can cure properly during
the cold evenings.
During the next work session, plan to install the
mechanical fuel gauge and screw the sender plate in position.