When the driver (didn’t catch his name,my bad) noticed the bill of lading said "aircraft skins and parts", he got very excided. Apparently he enjoys model airplanes and delivering parts for a full scale airplane and seeing finished wings along with the empennage components made his day.
Maneuvering the fuselage kit onto the power lift
gate for placement onto moving dollies.
Getting the RV-12 fuselage kit past the humps in
the sidewalk and rolling towards the DOG Aviation production facility.
Signing the bill of lading and taking possession
of the RV-12 fuselage kit. The driver said he was probably more excited about
delivering parts for a real airplane than I was in receiving them. Judging by
the smile on his face, that may have indeed been the case.
Will have to wait another day or two until the
fuselage kit can be opened for inventory … the flaperons are currently taking
up the space on both workbenches and they take up a whole lot of room.